Most popular SS12 projects now on GitHub

The open source code for our most popular student project from previous SS12s has been moved to our Project Possibility organisation on GitHub. This move was triggered by Google’s announcement that it will be closing Google Code whic his our current project hosting. However, GitHub is a great place to be, both in terms of popularity and service features. Here are the projects and their repositories on GitHub.


2015 U.S. SS12 Champions

Congratulations to USC StealthFly team on winning the title of 2015 U.S. SS12 Champion. The CSUN and USC teams produced great projects. We invite the competitors to continue their work and consider collaborating with fellow competitors to make their projects even greater. Two thousand fifteen (2015) marked the ninth year the SS12: Code for a Cause was be hosted in the United States. In collaboration with the Center on Disabilities at CSU Northridge the 2015 U.S. SS12 Finals was held at the 30th Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference.

You can find each teams work in their project repositories:

For all other projects visit the Project:Possibility GitHub Repository. For more information about the US SS12 series visit the U.S. SS12 page.

US 2015 SS12 – Call for Projects

With the US 2015 SS12: Code for a Cause series quickly approaching, we are gathering project ideas for our students to work on. Is there is an AT software program you would like to see developed? Or does someone you know have a great idea for an accessibility mobile app? No matter what the case it, we’d love to hear from you.

If you have any ideas for open source AT software that you would like to see developed, share them with us.

More information will follow in the coming months about the SS12 we have planned at other universities in the US and Europe. If you’d like to get involved at any of our upcoming events, get in touch with us at:

We look forward to seeing you at the SS12 soon. Happy holidays!

2014 Europe SS12 Champions

Congratulations to the PAVE team from ZHAW Zurich Universit on winning the title of 2014 Europe SS12 Champion. The teams from University of Southampton; JKU Linz; University Paris 8; ZHAW Zurich University for Applied Sciences, Switzerland; TU Dortmund, Germany; University of Madrid; and Oslo & Akershuis University of Applied Sciences all produced great projects. We invite the competitors to continue their work and consider collaborating with fellow competitors to make their projects even greater.

For more information on the competition and this year’s competitors visit the Europe SS12 page.

2014 U.S. SS12 Champions

Congratulations to CSU Northidge’s CamAcc team on winning the title of 2014 U.S. SS12 Champion. The CSUN, UCLA, and USC all produced great projects. We invite the competitors to continue their work and consider collaborating with fellow competitors to make their projects even greater.

You can find each teams work in their project repositories:

For all other projects visit the Project:Possibility GitHub Repository. For more information about the US SS12 series visit the U.S. SS12 page.