University Programs

At universities around the world, we engage student developers to use the skills they learn in the classroom toward building technology for persons with disabilities. Through the process, we and our partners educate students about careers in accessibility, and provide opportunities for them to enter the field as professional developers. Meanwhile all the software they create is released open source on our website for anyone to download and use.

To date, 780 students across America, Europe and Asia have participated in our programs. Collectively they’ve developed 158 assistive technology projects!

We thank all the students over the years who have participated in our programs, and congratulate the winning teams. A record of the winning teams through the years, dating back to our first SS12 in 2007, is listed here.


SS12: Code for a Cause

Undergraduate and graduate software developers compete in weekend hack-a-thons to develop empowering software projects for persons with disabilities. The SS12 is an immersive coding experience that raises awareness of issues in accessible computing in a fun, memorable way. In Asia, the top students are invited to present their work at a dedicated IEEE event hosted by Kumaraguru College of Technology in Coimbatore, India.

SS12 2016 has concluded. The next scheduled SS12 is for 2017 and shall be open to all students attending university in Asia. For more information, contact Professor Ramalatha Marimuthu, our Director of Asian Operations.


C4C Europe

C4C brings together university students across Europe in a long-form programming competition. Student teams, supported by researchers and industry mentors, develop a project over the span of an academic semester. Regional events in eight countries are held prior to a national team’s selection. The top teams are invited to the ICCHP or AAATE Conference (held in alternating years). Along the way, we connect them with end users, eAccessibility experts, and industry leaders to improve their project and provide opportunities to enter the industry upon graduation.

C4C 2016 has concluded. The next C4C is scheduled for AAATE 2017 in Sheffield, England. Join us there to see them showcase their work. For more information, contact Andrea Petz, our Director of European Operations.