Package projectpossibility

Class Summary
AAnalyzer Amplitude Analyzer - performs calculations related to amplitude of the audio data\n (finding max amplitude, finding number of samples above threshold,finding average amplitude)
AudioGuardian main program
CAboutScreen The "about" page which includes credits
Calibrator Provides Calibration/Noise level analysis (* still needs a correct implementation)
CCalibrationScreen Screen for calibrator
CMatchableSound A previously recorded sound which can match itself against the incoming audio stream and generate an alert to the user.
COptionScreen The primary options screen for adjusting AudioGuardian settings.
COptionsDb An adapter layer over the J2ME RecordStore that allows users to store data values as name-value pairs.
CRecordScreen Displays info for recording user-defined detection sounds.
CStartupScreen The initial splash screen that is displayed when AudioGuardian starts up.
DFT Discrete Fourier Transform analyzes frequencies and corresponding amplitude in sound sample Concept source:
DFTpair DFTpair stores an amplitude and frequency like coordinates of a wave in the frequency domain
Float11 Class for float-point calculations in J2ME applications CLDC 1.1
FloorLevel Stores data for the floor level for microphone recording.
Graph The Graph class displays microphone input on screen.
Monitor Monitor controls microphone input.
QuickSort Implements a standard QuickSort algorithm
Recorder Records a user-defined sound for later detection